Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2020

The Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2020: What You Need to Know

The Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2020 is an agreement that outlines the employment conditions and entitlements of staff members at Victoria University. The agreement covers academic and professional staff members, and was negotiated between the university and the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).

The agreement has been in effect since December 2020 and will remain in place until 31 December 2023. It builds on previous enterprise agreements and includes several important changes that affect staff members of the university.

Salary increases

One of the most significant changes in the Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2020 is the salary increase for staff members. The agreement provides for a base salary increase of 2% per annum for the duration of the agreement. This means that staff members will receive a salary increase of 2% each year until 2023, which will help to offset the effects of inflation and cost of living increases.

Casual conversion

Another significant change in the agreement is the introduction of a new pathway for casual staff members to convert to ongoing employment. This pathway applies to casual staff members who have been employed by the university for at least 12 months and have worked a regular pattern of hours over that time. These staff members will now have the right to request ongoing employment, and the university will be required to consider these requests in good faith.

Annual leave loading

The agreement also includes a change to the annual leave loading entitlements for staff members. The previous enterprise agreement provided for a loading of 17.5% for staff members who took annual leave. Under the new agreement, this loading has been increased to 17.9%. This means that staff members who take annual leave will receive a slightly higher payment to compensate for the fact that they are not working during that time.

Flexible working arrangements

The Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2020 provides for greater flexibility in working arrangements for staff members. This includes the ability to work from home, provided that the work can be performed remotely. The agreement also includes provisions for flexible start and finish times, job sharing and part-time work arrangements.

In conclusion, the Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2020 is an important document that outlines the rights and entitlements of staff members at Victoria University. The agreement includes several significant changes that will benefit staff members, including salary increases, a new pathway for casual conversion, increased annual leave loading, and greater flexibility in working arrangements. If you are a staff member at Victoria University, it is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of the agreement and to understand your rights and entitlements under it.

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